Professor of psychology of religion and culture at the Jesuit University in Cracow and at the Jagiellonian University. Currently she is visiting professor at Research Centre at Innlanded Sykehuset at Hamar (Norway). Her research and teaching focuses on the process of cultural adaptation of immigrants and the response of local communities to refugee reception centers and to immigrants. Since 2013 she conducts her research on migrating children and children of migrants. Her recent research and publications pertain to returnees Polish migrant (especially children). She conducts multiple cultural trainings for international companies and
NGO’s. She is a member of many national and international professional organizations and serves on the editorial boards of several professional journals, she has taught courses in various European and US universities as well as in Asia – at Mahidol University (Bangkok). She has earn her degree in clinical psychology and psychology of culture and religion. President of Polish Society for the Psychology of Religion and Spirituality (PTPRiD). Member of many academic associations and author of crucial publications (20 volumes as well as 57 articles and chapters).